Hi. I'm Buster. I need your help. I need some money.

If SaveKaryn.com can help a girl raise thousands of dollars for her credit card bills, and HelpMeLeaveMyHusband.com can help some woman unload her old man, then I, a friendly cat, should be able to beg for some money to cover the bills I've racked up for the Human.

I know times are tough, and I know you're thinking, "Yeah, right -- I work my butt off so I can send money to a *cat* who's shilling on the Net."

But hear me out. I'm a really great cat -- the kind you'd pet as you're walking down the street, the kind that makes "prrrrrrup" noises when he sees you, the kind that rolls around, belly-up, in that cute way the humans love. If you've ever rubbed a fluffy cat belly, you understand.

Why do I need money? Well, I can't get a job. I can do vermin decapitation, tongue-based grooming, and upholstery demolition, but there's not much call for these skills in a down economy.

However, I do have expenses. I get into fights (in spite of the nasty testicle-removal operation several years ago, I'm still a MAN, DAMMIT!!), and I've had to be patched up a few times -- not cheap. I lose collars like Martha Stewart is losing market cap.

The Human works hard, so I'd like to throw a few bucks her way to offset some of my bills. I don't want to come into my cat door one day and find an empty food bowl. So if you have an extra dollar or two, or five, at the end of the week, why not do a good deed for an excellent housecat?

Read more about me by clicking on the links below. And believe me, just like that chick at SaveKaryn.com, I've realized the error of my ways. I'll walk away from fights, and I'll try to hang on to the collars. Forward this site to your friends, even if they're dog people!!

SaveBuster.com has raised $1,120.55 since launching in September 2002! We're also happy to announce that Karyn of SaveKaryn.com has selected us as one of her special "Karyn Saves You" sites!

For those of you who missed it, see Martha Stewart Proof of Evil, plus Stupid Humans Page.

Current Debt Tally

My Money-Saving Diary

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NEW: Stupid Human Page

NEW: Why Martha Stewart is Going to Hell

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(Do you really think I'm raising $$$ for a cat? Oh, come ON -- click here to find out what's up.)